Stichting Asha – www.stichtingasha.nl
Stichting Asha is een vrijwilligersorganisatie van Surinaamse Hindostanen in de gemeente Utrecht. De organisatie is in 1976 opgericht en wil met haar activiteiten een positieve bijdrage leveren aan het gemeentelijke integratie- en participatiebeleid.
Kailash Parbat – www.kailashparbat.nl
A journey from a roadside Halwai to the most loved Indian eatery around the globe. In the 1940s, the Mulchandani brothers started serving their famous Chaat through a tiny stall in Bans Road, Karachi. Within no time, they emerged as a favourite of the region. Partition brought the Mulchandani brothers to India and Kailash Parbat was established in Bombay in 1952. Since then, it has gained a huge amount of popularity not just in India but around the world. Being a favourite amongst people of all age groups, Kailash Parbat has become a formidable brand in the restaurant industry that satisfies cravings for flavours of North and South India, Chinese cuisine and much more.
Anjappar – www.anjappar.nl
Anjappar is the pioneer in bringing the foods of the famed Chettiars to the people world around. Over the years they mastered the art of using spice to give one’s taste buds the best food experience. With more than 58 years of experience and 96 outlets to date, Anjappar is spreading its wings to give customers a homely dining experience.
Krishna Vilas – www.krishnavilas.com
Krishna Vilas Restaurants are pleased to present an array of 100% Indian vegetarian dishes.
Krishna Vilas Opened its doors in 2018 at Den Haag. With continued passion and growing demand for 100% vegetarian cuisine Krishna vilas opened its 2nd branch in Utrecht.